Brentwood Post 1810
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Jessica King
VFW Department of Pennsylvania
Accredited Service Officer
VFW Department of PA Service Officer
VFW Accredited Service Officers are trained experts, helping veterans develop their case with ease by reviewing and applying current law, pertinent legislation, regulations and medical histories. As skilled professionals, we assist in filing for disability compensation, rehabilitation and education programs, pension and death benefits, and employment and training programs. Furthermore, we won’t hesitate to request hearings before the VA and the Board of Veterans Appeals to present oral arguments when needed.
VFW Accredited Service Officers are with America's veterans every step of the way once they're ready to file a claim. This is a service the VFW is proud to offer -- FREE OF CHARGE -- to anyone seeking assistance with the claims process.
1000 Liberty Ave, Room 1601
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Ph: 412-395-6259/6256
Fax: 412-395-6261
VFW Brentwood Post 1810 Service Officer
The Post Service Officer shall advise members of the Post, their family members and survivors of benefits and services that are available in the local community such as homeless services, employment opportunities, and companies that offer discounted goods or services to veterans. The Post Service Officer shall direct individuals seeking Federal benefits assistance to the Department Service Officer.
James Bruder
Post Service Officer