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Post Events 

At Brentwood VFW Post 1810 we hold numerous events throughout the year, including several annual traditions that we strive to continue. Your support is crucial in ensuring that these traditions endure, and we welcome new participants to join in showing support for our events that are open to the public!!

Flags on Graves

           On a Saturday prior to Memorial Day, we place American flags on the graves of our Veterans at the Birmingham, St. Paul's, Ukrainian, St. Josephstat, St Wendelins, St. George and Zion Cemeteries.

         All volunteers are welcome.... In the past we have had help from the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the Young Marines.

        Normally a light breakfast is available at the Post in the morning, followed by a small lunch in the afternoon.

        Details will be on our Facebook page in May.

Memorial day

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        Each year, the Brentwood VFW  leads a ceremony at the Brentwood library to honor the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. The activities start with a parade down Brownsville Rd. to the Library featuring Post 1810 Officers, Brentwood leaders and the Brentwood High School band.  The ceremony features a ceremonial grave side remembrance of our fallen comrades, a rifle salute, the playing of Taps, and a reading of The General Orders, Headquarters, Grand Army of the Republic, Washington DC, May 5, 1868, General Orders number 11.    Following the main ceremony, the VFW leads a 12 noon ceremony at the Post and hosts a lunch for all attendees. This meaningful observance has been a cherished Memorial Day tradition for over 15 years, and the day commences with breakfast at the Post before the ceremony. 

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4th of July 

          The Brentwood VFW is an active participant in the Brentwood parade that takes place on Brownsville Road. The parade is held to honor our country's freedom and includes many veterans, first responders, and volunteers who march in it. Traditionally, after the parade, the VFW hosts a picnic that is open to all. Please check the Post and/or Bar Facebook page for details and to confirm there will be a picnic that year.

Women Veterans dinner 

          Since 2022 our Auxiliary have organized a dinner to recognize the local women veterans in our community. Auxiliary volunteers prepare the dinner and oversee the evenings activities for these honored guests.

A plaque is hanging in the Canteen to show our gratitude for those women who have served our country.

Pittsburgh Veterans Day Parade

     Each November 11th  our Post participates in the Parade starting at the end of Liberty Ave near the train station to the review stand in Gateway Center. A flag detail along with several vehicles containing our honored heroes represents 1810. Normally, a luncheon  follows at the Post.

Veteran Burials - Funeral Honor Guard

              The Brentwood VFW Post 1810 Funeral Honor Guard’s function is to complement the final tribute to our deceased comrades in arms. The FHG presents a dignified, professional, and military-based appearance. The FHG supports the DoD and VA-provided veteran's funeral benefits by offering a final salute on the arrival of the deceased to their final resting place. The remains are drummed into the area. “A Veteran’s Last Farewell” is read to those gathered and a copy is given to the deceased loved one. Three volleys are fired by the FHG riflemen using M-1 Garand Ceremonial rifles. Three polished M-1 shells are given to the deceased loved one or are embedded in the folded flag representing Duty, Honor, and Country. The FHG is at attention and salutes when the folded flag is carried out from the ceremony. A final salute is given as the family members vehicle containing the folded flag  pulls away. The FHG is normally contacted thru the Funeral Home.

               Also, a VFW Chapel Service is available for any 1810 member that has passed.  Just let the Funeral Director know of your wishes.

Poppy Day 

      The Buddy Poppy program supports veterans and their dependents. The red poppy has been a symbol of sacrifice since World War I, and the VFW was the first veterans' organization to adopt it. The VFW's Buddy Poppy program has raised millions of dollars over the years. 

     National Poppy Day is celebrated on the Friday before Memorial Day. On this day, people wear red poppies to honor fallen heroes and support living veterans.

     We are always looking for volunteers to help with this program throughout the year. If interested please let us know using the “contact” form on the Home page


(412) 881-9934

3801 Saw Mill Run Blvd, Brentwood, PA 15227, USA

Webmaster - John David Wallace Sr.


     The opinions expressed herein are those of the author or submitter of the posted comments, and are not necessarily those of the National, Department, or District of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

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